Voxer X-Ray

Remember when it’s easy? Come in to my space and let’s play.

Because you’re making this harder than it needs to be.

I get insane results in my full day intensives, because I blend business with neuroscience, so if you’re just looking to MOVE and get immediate results, then this 3day taster with intimate group access is made for you.

I get huge movement in just 3days. I’ll send you precise questions to answer at the start, then whatever we shine the light on there, is exactly what we need to go deep and X-ray over 3days of laser coaching with me to get your answers.

Because I’ve been business consultant to 7figure business for years for a reason. There’s only so many things that are in your way.

We find them, and then laser coach with me for 3days of reshaping your subconscious and shifting your strategy, fully in your corner in order to get you moving.

There are only 10 places and then this offer is sold out. And may never come back as I’m usually fully booked.

This is a closed group of only 10 places, so you get your own coaching, plus you listen and interact in the conversation with the 9 others also getting coached inside this activation space to maximally accelerate you.

(If you’d like a 1:1 experience, I do have 2 places at 1.1k, please dm me for more info)

I’ll then close the group with a session of Subconscious Coding Therapy® to embed your progress and roadmap your results into your subconscious brain. This is the powerful modality I created after doing a degree in the Neural Mechanisms of behaviour, it rapidly gets tangible (and huge) results.

What Is It?

My 3 Day Laser Coaching for only $555

  • 3 Days of Coaching

  • "X-Ray" focus to get blinding clarity on exactly what's in your way

  • Direct Access over Voxer

  • Get actual answers in a proper conversation, not just a lecture or be in my energy

  • Completely rewrite your Subconscious Coding

  • Work on any mindset blocks

  • Closed group with 3 days of laser focus

  • We finish with a session of Subconscious Coding Therapy (SCT) which is worth 1k on its own

When Is It?

Starts 8pm 7th June – Finishes 8pm 10th June

About Dr Libby Kemkaran

International Business Mentor, Neurocoach and TEDx Speaker Libby Kemkaran has helped 1000's of clients around the world massively increase their success in business. She has helped her clients grow their worth into multi-million pound companies and build their businesses from the ground up.

Accredited Peak Performance consultant and qualified Flow Coach, she is creator of the award winning Tame Your Brain® methodology, the Big Cat Business Brain® profiling tool, and coaches CEOs, leadership teams and individual solo entrepreneurs around the globe.

She is a Faculty Partner at the Entrepreneurs Institute, and teaches the TAME® methodology monthly to the partners there.

Director of Kemkaran Consulting Ltd, Libby is a sought after consultant, corporate trainer, and keynote speaker to some of the most accomplished companies and organisations in the world such as Merck Pharmaceutical and the Rethink Academy.

If you want fast paced results, then you need to work with fast energy.

Trust yourself to move, and start with making fast decisions to change.

I know you’ve probably been burnt before but now is not the time to freeze. Get a seat and let’s go.

Your brain, body, and business will thank you.


What is Voxer?

Voxer is an App on iOS or Android that lets you send voice or text messages. If you haven't used it, we'll send you instructions on how to get it installed on your mobile device.

What is the format?

It’s 3 days of focussed laser audio coaching with Libby, starting with the 12 X-ray questions that identify which lever is stuck for you right now in your life and business.

Can I access the coaching thread after the 3 days finishes?

The Voxer group thread will remain available for at least 30 days afterwards for you to go back and review. You can also save down Libby’s audio messages to keep if you wish.